Wednesday 25th to Friday 27th August 2021

Posted: 27/08/2021 21:38

Wednesday 25th  The feed of  a low overcast off the North Sea on the eastern flank of a large area of high pressure continued, with a launch off  runway 06 by Laurie Clark and the first of the  day's 3 First Flight pupils having to release at 1250' asl, with flying then suspended.  However, mid afternoon, a clear slot appeared upwind of the site and Thomaz Rusin, taking a launch solo in K21 KLW found some wave lift that enabled him to climb to around 4,700' asl during his flight time of 48 minutes.  Laurie Clarke, flying his 2nd First Flight pupil in the DG500,  also climbed in wave to around 4,000' but then the  wave slot disappeared so that the remaining 2 launches of the day were extended circuit flights.  The only other flying activity was by the Falke with a single flight.

Thursday 26th.  The NNW'ly to NNE'ly wind had increased to light to moderate with the, by now, accompanying mandatory low overcast and even some drizzle.  The latter didn't last long and the skies brightened at times as the day wore on,  but the cloud base never rose high enough to allow any flying.   The refurbished simulator came into play with the new graphics being greatly appreciated on an O/R to the Tontine. 

Friday 27th.   The combination of a light to moderate N'ly and more importantly its accompanying low overcast, meant another cool, non-gliding day.  However, it was not an non-flying day, as John Tayler's Super Cub had a brief flight around 1400 hrs during which it reached a height of just over 700' QFE.       

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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