Friday 17th to Saturday 17th March 2023
Posted: 19/03/2023 10:21
Friday 17th. A light/light to moderate S/SSW'ly blew all day, accompanied by generally cloudy skies and a low to medium level cloud base. Flying was limited to 2 Falke flights in the morning as showery rain arrived in the afternoon.
Saturday 18th. A moist and unstable light to moderate SSE'ly enveloped the site in cloud at the start of the day, this lifting midmorning to a low overcast with frequent showers. A change to brighter conditions with a change in wind direction to W happened late afternoon, too late for any flying.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.