Friday 21st to Saturday 22nd April 2023
Posted: 23/04/2023 14:54
Friday 21st. The moderate NNE'ly persisted as the high pressure slowly gave way to a flabby low advancing from the south. The resulting weather at site was increasing cloud with a decreasing base and rain from around 1700 hrs, the end result being a single AT of runway 06 in K21 KLW the flight lasting 9 minutes from a 1300' launch. The only bright spot was the opening of Cafe 1934 in the renovated dinning/lounge area of the clubhouse with Robert providing the victuals.
Saturday 22nd. The low continued to make slow progress northwards, keeping the site in cloud and rain for most of the day. The the clearance eventually arrived around 1700 hrs, too late for any flying but just in time to provide early evening views of the site and surrounding countryside as an accompaniment to the buffet meal for those attending the AGM, election of 3 members of the YGC board and subsequent prizegiving of Trophies won in 2022.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.