Friday 30th to Saturday 31st March 2018

Posted: 31/03/2018 20:41

Friday 30th.  Low pressure was still firmly in charge of the UK's weather,  its associated fronts producing another 8 mm of rain overnight and providing a day of extensive low cloud and isolated but heavy wintry showers, as the wind continued to slowly back from the E into the ENE.   However, while there was  no flying there was the official opening of the Gentlemen's newly refurbished toilets, just in time for the Easter Weekend.  The opening was a rather subdued affair with no speeches or cutting of toilet paper although the provision of facilities for those of a more showoff and vertically challenged nature raised a few eyebrows, as the following photo illustrates.

Saturday 31st. The only change in the synoptic situation was the presence of not one but two occluded fronts over the UK, these making slow progress northwards, the site suffering from a cold, light to moderate, N'ly wind and periods of rain, these becoming more showery in nature as the day progressed.  While there was  no flying, the duty team and other members carried out some TLC on the glider fleet, particularly the DG500, which is scheduled to go down the hill shortly for its ARC.  In the evening, members assembled for a curry followed by a showing of The Life of Brian organised by Nora v G.

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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