Monday 1st January to Wednesday 3rd January 2018
Posted: 03/01/2018 19:32
Monday 1st. A mild and light to moderate SW'ly that slowly decreased to light, kept the site in rain for most of the day with accompanying low cloud. Accordingly, no flying was possible.
Tuesday 2nd. The wind had become a light to moderate SE'ly, this increasing to moderate to fresh over the middle of the day before declining again while slowly veering into the S. Low pressure remained in charge as further fronts brought more rain and low cloud from late morning to late afternoon, with the inevitable result, no flying. However, before the rain came a 0700 hr start saw Tony Drury, Mark Newburn and Tom Dale ready to assist John Carter in a de-rig of K21 JVZ in order to get it to North Yorkshire Sailplanes by 0900 hrs for its ARC. Tony, Mark and Tom are shown in the following photo (by John) poised for action, or the closest they could get to it at that time in the morning.
Wednesday 3rd. Storm Eleanor crossed the north of Scotland overnight bringing moderate to fresh WSW'ly winds to site, these peaking in the early hours with gusts into the mid 40 kts accompanied by more rain. The winds very slowly eased, but never enough to allow any flying.
Phil Lazenby has been kind enough to send me an email on his latest gliding exploits in Western Australia, not that he wants to gloat, and I have copied them below, with Phil describing his flight on New Year's Eve.

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.