Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th August 2022

Posted: 25/08/2022 20:29

Monday 22nd.  An approaching weak front brought low cloud with rain from early afternoon, the lowering cloud restricting flying to 3 ATs off runway 20 by mid day as a light to moderate SSW'ly to SSE'ly blew.  All three flights were for First Flight pupils with Guy Hartland being their instructor.

Tuesday 23rd.  Cloudy skies and bits and pieces of rain during the afternoon didn't have much effect upon launches, but did on flight times, with only 1 flight over an hour and 3 of 30 to 60 minutes, the 1:21 by Duncan Pask having some reliance on the engine of his LS10t.  Dick Cole/with his guest in the DG1000, had 44 minutes off a low tow, with Guy Harland's 30 minutes in K21 JVZ with one of the day's 6  First Flight pupils again off a low tow, while Jesper Mjels 33 minutes in K21 FYF with another First Flight pupil was off a  high tow.  The Tuesday evening group were again active, adding 18 launches to the day's total, all but one of which were in one of other of the club's 2 seaters, with 4 solo flights in them by Paul Leake, Dominic Hammond (twice), Sam Dawson, Graham Evison, and Dan McClean.

Wednesday 24th.  Rain and low cloud from 0700 to 1000 hrs delayed the start of flying until early afternoon, with 14 ATs off runway 24 the day's total, including 4 for First Flight pupils and 4 from a group of 9 from the Mickley Boy's Club who on their visit to the club also had a meal provided by Liz and a talk on gliding by George Rowden.  Bob Calvert was the only private owner to fly, having 2:37 in his Discus 2t in some good thermal conditions that developed following the departure of the weak cold front and he also found some weak wave over Topcliffe that took him to his peak height of 5,300' asl .  Laurie Clarke and John Dore also enjoyed these conditions having just over an hour in K21 FYF.   

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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