Saturday 25th March 2023

Posted: 26/03/2023 14:44

Saturday 25th.  A moderate to fresh WNW'ly opened the day, accompanied by sunny intervals and a few isolated showers, so operations were off runway 24 behind Eurofox HETY.  Lift was hard to come by with only 2 flights of over 30 minutes, Chris Collingham/visitor Nick English having 38 minutes in K21 JVZ and Kelly Teagle having 32 minutes in her Kestrel 19.  Chris and Nick used hill lift, mainly in the bowl just north of Gormire, maintaining 750-950' QFE to extend their flight, while Kelly was able to maintain 11-1200' QFE in the main bowl for a while during her flight.  Apart from these flights the rest were principally slow descents from release, with some flights finding some reduction in sink rate on the hill, especially when launched earlier in the day.  The availability of hill lift decreased as the wind strength decreased and the wind direction slowly veered into the NE, with the last 3 of the day's 14 ATs being off runway 02, this change being accompanied by a lowering overcast and eventually rain from around 1500 hrs, flying having come to a stop a little while earlier.   

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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