Saturday 5th to Sunday 6th March 2022

Posted: 07/03/2022 15:41

Saturday 5th.  A gusty and at times fresh N'ly wind with showers meant it was a non-flying day.

Sunday 6th.  The wind had veered into the ENE and decreased to light to moderate, so a full day's flying resulted, operations being primarily off runway 02, although 06 was used occasionally.  The anticyclonic conditions led to shallow Cu forming, with maximum average climb rates being of the order of 3.5-4.0 kts and cloud base reaching around 4,000' asl.  The available lift led to 10 of the day's 33 ATs having flight times of >30 minutes, with 7 >an hour with most people staying local.  The only confirmed cross country was flown by Chris Handzlik in his DG300, who flew east just beyond Kirbymoorside before returning to site and then flew north to explore Bilsdale.  Chris posted his flight on the ladder claiming 47 km, but notably, survived two low points of between 800 and 850' asl near Ostwaldkirk as he ran into an area of very strong sink.   Chris' flight of 2:33 was only bettered by Rob Bailey in his ASG29 who had 2:45, but as a Flarm trace from Rob  was not available I can not report on the details. Chris Teagle in his Kestrel 19 and Jamie Quartermaine in his ASW 27 were the other private owners to fly but weren't included in the list of those to have flights of >1 hour, these being Darren Lodge in his LS8-18, 1:09, Tor Taverner in the Discus with 1:00, Tony Drury solo in K21 JVZ with 1:09, Roger Burghall in the Discus with 1:05 and Malcolm Morgan and David Key with an hour in the DG1000.  The Falke had 2 sorties, the first taking in Hemsley, Dishforth and Thirsk and the second an O/R to Carlton Bank.     

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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