Saturday 6th March 2021

Posted: 06/03/2021 17:52

Saturday 6th.  A light, mainly SW'ly blew, with an overcast at around 3,500' asl that slowly rose to around 4,000' asl, although this showed signs of breaking up towards the end of the flying day.   Somewhat surprisingly, thermals developed under the overcast resulting in 3 of the 20 flights of the day exceeding an hour and an additional 3 being >30<60 minutes with flights getting to cloud base.   The light winds allowed pilots to refresh their circuit flying to a number of runways.  Only the 2 K21s were flown of the pure gliders, with the Falke having 4 flights, as instructors made sure they had achieved the recency requirement of 3 take offs and landings in the last 90 days.  Thus the 20 ATs behind Pawnee TM were flown by only 8 pilots with Steve Thompson taking 2 of these in his Ventus bT.  Morning soaring saw George Rowden and Polly Whitehead  have 37 and 41 minutes respectively in K21s, while Steve also had 41 in his Ventus.  In the early to mid afternoon, Paul Whitehead and Ron Beezer had 1:06 and 1:16 respectively in K21s while Steve, after sorting out an erection problem (with his engine) had 1:18.  Tug pilots also caught up with their recency with Les Rayment,  Andy Evans, Jim McLean and Derek Smith, sharing the tugging duties on day that provided a reminder of the soaring potential of Sutton Bank.

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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