Sunday 11th August 2019

Posted: 11/08/2019 20:20

Sunday 11th.  Another 12.4 mm of rain had fallen overnight and the morning dawned to overcast skies, dry conditions and a light to moderate SW'ly wind.  The base of the overcast was around 1,000' QFE, with some wave indentations rather than slots evident.  The  start of flying was delayed until just before lunch by the conditions, when the Falke took off followed by the first of 2 winch launches, John Carter and Bruce Grain seeking to determine if the hill was working.  It was, but not very well, with hill soaring heights typically 6-700' QFE.   John and Bruce also reported rain to the NW and with these conditions, the first day of the YGC's Task Week was declared scrubbed by Task Week Director George Rowden at midday.  This inevitably led to an improvement in the weather, with flying recommencing around 1530 hrs and continuing until 1830 hrs, although restricted to hill soaring between Sutton and High Paradise farm.  The 8 winch launches in this period produced one flight of over an hour and a further 4 over 30 minutes, with Nora v G having 1:19 in Astir DPO, Bruce Grain and Peter Robinson having 46 minutes in the DG500 and Jamie Quartermaine and visitor Mr Feldman having 38 minutes in K21 KLW.  Pilots reported consistent hill lift and top operating heights of 1100' QFE, with a cloud base of around 1200' QFE that started to lower towards the end of the flying period. 

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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