Sunday 12th February 2023

Posted: 13/02/2023 17:05

Sunday 12th.  A medium level overcast did not prevent flying, this commencing around 1030 hrs off runway 24 as Dave McKinney/Stewart Wallace took the DG500 for an 18 minute flight, before landing back on runway 20 as a light to moderate SSW'ly blew after having demonstrated that the hill was not working.  This set the pattern for the rest of the flying day, as, with no  lift to speak of, the day's 12 ATs behind Eurofox Oscar Foxtrot gave flight times of 12 to 22 minutes dependent on release height.  Fred Brown/Amelia Forrester's flight in K21 JVZ was an exception as, following a release at around 700' QFE, they returned to do a downwind landing on runway 02, giving them a flight time of 3 minutes.  Amelia later flew solo in JVZ having 15 minutes flying time, with Dave Thompson also having a solo flight in JVZ which lasted 18 minutes.  The day's launch total included 2 for First Flight pupils with Paul Whitehead and Jesper Mjels being the P1 pilots.     

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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