Sunday 13th August 2023

Posted: 01/09/2023 20:13

Sunday 13th.  A generally cloudy day as a moderate SSW/SW'ly blew, the day's 30 ATs off runway 20 yielding 12 flights of 30 minutes or more, but with only one of more than an hour.  Weak hill and thermal lift were used by a number of pilots with Bob's 3:06 in his Discus 2ct being aided by his engine.  No club single seaters were flown, with both K21s and the DG500 being used to cater for the club members and 7 First Flight pupils who were flown.  The longest of the flights of between 30 and 60 minutes were all in the 40-47 minute band, the longest 4 including Fred Brown/William Robinson's with 43 minutes in K21 JVZ using a succession of weak thermals triggered by the main bowl to maintain around 2,000' asl. The other 3 were all by Toby Wilson, first with Neil Paveley, their  47 minutes in K21 JJVZ making use of weak thermals, then with Sansay Nath, 46 minutes in K21 KLW off the last flight of the day, this time  maintaining around 2,000' asl in hill lift in the main bowl, but also including a thermal climb to 3,200'asl and a low point of 1,000' and finally hill soaring the main bowl with the occasional thermal, maintaining 1500-1900' asl for 43 minutes with Fred Vaux.  

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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