Sunday 13th to Wednesday 16th October 2024
Posted: 21/10/2024 15:53
Sunday 13th. A ridge of high pressure brought a sunny start and light winds, the initial WNW'ly slowly backing into the SE. A lack of any significant lift meant none of the day's 23 ATs off runway 24. with landings on 20, exceeded 30 minutes, the 27 minutes by both Sarah Stubbs/Chelsea Langston in K21 KLW and Paul Whitehead/Rick Feeney in a visiting K21 MI being the longest of the day. All 4 club 2 seaters were flown for club members, the day's 5 First Flight pupils and BI training for John Forrester, while there were 2 Falke flights. However, the highlight of the day was Josh Jackson's 13 minute first solo in KLW, so congratulations to Josh.
Monday 14th. Another sunny, but essentially non-soaring day under a high pressure ridge, the wind being a light SE'ly. As a result only 2 flights exceeded or equalled 30 minutes from the 22 launches off runway 20, with one of these, the 40 minutes by John Ellis in his DG808, being the result of an engine burn half way through the flight. The 30 minute flight by visitors Rick Feeney/Mark Davidson in their K21MI on the other hand, was the result of an initial climb to 3,000' QFE, while Clive Swain/Mark Robertson's 27 minutes in the DG1000 was achieved off a 1500' tow. The day's flying included 3 for First Flight pupils and a sortie by the Falke, a visit and landing at Fishburn being followed by a later return to Sutton.
Tuesday 15th. A slow moving occluded front brought a day of low cloud and occasional drizzle as a light to moderate SE'ly blew, so there was no flying.
Wednesday 16th. Another gloomy and wet day as multiple fronts crossed the area, the light to moderate SE'ly wind making it at least mild but definitely unflyable.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.