Sunday 26th February 2023

Posted: 26/02/2023 18:39

Sunday 26th.  The high pressure situated over the UK had moved slightly, so the light to moderate, cold wind was now from the NE, bringing in low cloud and light showers at times.  These conditions contributed to a launch total of 1 AT, although a lack of members may  have also contributed.  The single day's flight was by Nigel Burke and his First flight pupil in the DG500 and lasted 36 minutes from a 2,500' tow.  Nigel found an area of lift over the A170 just to the NNE of the site and maintained 1,900' -2,300' QFE there on 3 separate occasions before landing back on runway 02.

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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