Sunday 2nd June 2024

Posted: 06/06/2024 21:31

Sunday 2nd.  A light and variable wind stabilised to become light from the WNW, so operations were off runway 24 with pilots choosing either 24 or 20 for landing.  A good soaring day resulted, with moderate thermals and a 4 000' asl cloud base, with 33 of the day's 41 launches exceeding 30 minutes and 22 of these over an hour, the day also accommodating 5 First Flight pupils.  The day started with the Falke undertaking an O/R to Rufforth and continued as 9 other flights were also cross countries.  Visitor Alistair MacGregor in his Ventus 3m did 292 km of his 350 km O/R to Spalding, having to resort to his engine on the way back to Sutton, while Steve Thompson completed his 246 km task with TPs at Fridaythorpe, Aysgarth and Kexby, reporting wave interference on the way to Aysgarth.  Mark Player in his Ventus 2cxt, another visitor from the Wilts and N Dorset GG, completed 209 km of his 269 km OR to Horncastle, like his compatriot, having to use his engine on the way back to Sutton.  John Ellis in his DG800 and Rob Bailey in his ASG29t abandoned their tasks, with John visiting Market Weighton, Tontine and York and surviving several low points and covering 203 km and Rob visiting Tontine, Carlton Bank, Pickering, Pocklington and Sutton Control Point N covering 146 km.   Visitor Mark Player in his Ventus 2cxt attempted an O/R to Horncastle but had to resort to his engine while just 26 km short of completing his 270km task with engine use also employed by visitor Martin Davidson in his Ventus 2cxt near York before returning to the Sutton area and then doing an O/R to York East.  Bill Payton, flying his DG1000t solo visited Malton, Pocklington, Burn. back to Pocklingon, Garforth and Wetherby before using his engine to get back to Sutton, while Nigel Burke visited Northallerton and Easingwold in his DG800.  All the other >an hour flights stayed local, including Sam Batchelor and John Forresster in Astir FSH and Dave McKinney/Mark James in K21 KLW. A Grob 109 also flew in from Husbands Bosworth before returning.  

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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