Sunday 7th to Saturday 13th March 2021
Posted: 13/03/2021 19:43
Sunday 7th. Sunday weather wise was similar to Saturday with a light wind from a W'ly quarter and a high overcast, so flying was possible. However, unlike Saturday, there was no thermal activity, so the 12 ATs off runways 24 or 20 were none soaring, flight times being in the 12-14 minute range off 2,000' tows and in the 5-8 minute range off 1,000' tows all of which were behind Pawnee TM. The 12 pure glider flights did however amass a longer, total duration of 2:04 compared to the 1:10 flown by the Falke via its two sorties.
Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th. Monday's cloudy conditions with bits and pieces of rain, Tuesday's with a low overcast and a thoroughly wet day on Wednesday all meant no flying was possible, while these conditions were compounded by strengthening winds from the S/SE on Wednesday evening as a deep Atlantic depression approached the UK.
Thursday 11th to Saturday 13th. The deep depression anchored itself to the NW of Scotland bringing fresh and gusty winds from a W'ly quarter accompanied by frequent showers on Wednesday, peak gusts being around 40 kts. The wind only moderated slightly on Friday and was still accompanied by blustery showers, with peak gusts around 35 kts and Saturday saw another slight moderation in wind speed to moderate to fresh with only the occasional shower, peak gusts being around 30 kts. Given the conditions, none of these days saw any flying.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.