Sunday 8th to Tuesday 10th January 2023

Posted: 11/01/2023 20:15

Sunday 8th.  Clear skies and a moderate to moderate to fresh SSE'ly saw three launches flown before low cloud encroached as the wind veered into the SW.  Roger Burghall took the first tow solo in K21 JVZ, landing after 31 minutes and was followed by Toby Wilson and the first of the day's  2 First Flight pupils who  took a tow to  3,000' QFE in the DG1000 and found extensive reduced sink/zero and even some weak lift between site and Thirsk.   The resulting slow descent came to an abrupt end when a rapid descent was made from 1600' when west of Bagby followed by a landing after 37 minutes.  Paul Whitehead in K21 JVZ took the other First Flight pupil on the next and final launch of the day, releasing at 2,900' QFE and exploring to some 6.5 km to the ESE of the site slowly losing height.    Returning to the vicinity of site, a rapid height loss from 1300' to 300' QFE was followed by a climb to 500' QFE and a landing on runway 20.

Monday 9th.  A day of sunny periods and a moderate to fresh W'ly saw 6 ATs off runway 24, all in K21 JVZ, with 3 flights of over 30 minutes of which 1 was over an hour.  The latter flight saw Guy Hartland/Andrew Bedford take a tow to 2,000' QFE and slowly climb to 2,300' as they tracked along the line of the forward ridge.  They then spent the rest of the flight hill soaring at 600-800' QFE, mainly in the main bowl but with a trip north, halfway to High Paradise Farm.  They were followed by Tony Drury flying JVZ solo, who had a slow descent down to 600' QFE from his launch height but then proceeded to slowly climb back to 1700' QFE some 4.5 km SSW of site.  Tony landed after 59 minutes, with the other >30 minute flight being by Guy Hartland/Roger Taylor who had 36 minutes maintaining 6-700' QFE in the main bowl. 

Tuesday 10th.  Low cloud, a fresh S'ly that veered into the SW and rain from 0700-1900 hrs meant there was  no flying. 

Wednesday 11th.  A day of sunny periods and heavy showers, as a moderate to fresh and at times fresh WSW'ly slowly veered into the W.  The combination of precipitation and wind speed meant there was no flying.

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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