Sunday 9th June 2024

Posted: 10/06/2024 11:06

Sunday 9th.  With little change in the synoptic situation it was another winching day at Sutton, as the light to moderate WNW/W'ly continued to blow bringing in cloudy skies at times.  12 winch launches were flown off runway 24 with 7 resulting in flights in excess of 30 minutes, of which 6 were over an hour.  All the 5 private owner flights were over an hour, Bob Calvert accounting for 2 of them. while John Forrester had 1:13 in Astir DPO, mixing hill soaring at 700'-900' QFE with a thermal climb to 1,500' QFE (2,400' asl).  John Ellis in his DG800 had 4:03 and Fred Brown in his Ventus 2ct had 3:03, both staying within 15 km of site mainly to the NW/W and climbing to maximum altitudes of around 4,700' asl with average thermal strengths of 1-2 kts and peak average rates of 3-3,5 kts.  Bob Calvert's 2nd flight in his Discus 2t saw him climb to 5,100' asl in thermal close to the airfield and set off to the Northallerton area but with no improvement in altitude, Bob retreated E to Thimbleby where he contacted wave and climbed to 8,300'.  He then skirted Northallerton, overflew RAF Leeming and proceeded W of Masham with a climb to 8,500' asl. An  exploration further west of Masham was followed by a return to Sutton, landing  just after 1900 hrs with a flight time of 4:14.  Jamie Quartermaine/Sawjay Nath had the longest 2 seater flight, 33 minutes in K21 KLW, mainly hill soaring the main bowl at 900-1100' QFE with a couple of excursions to 4 km north along the main westerly ridge.     

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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