Thursday 12th to Saturday 14th January 2023
Posted: 14/01/2023 19:56
Thursday 12th. A moderate to moderate to fresh SSW'ly was accompanied by a low overcast, this only clearing later in the day as the wind veered into the WSW, but the improvement came too late for there to be any flying.
Friday 13th. A sunny day with scattered clouds as a moderate to fresh and at times fresh W'ly blew, allowing 4 flights from runway 24. The first saw Ian Pattingale/Tony Kirby have 1:04 in K21 JVZ, maintaining 1,100' QFE for a while before climbing to a peak height of 2,100' QFE and then maintaining between this height and 1,500' QFE, mainly using lift in the main bowl. Chris Handzlik then flew solo in the DG500, taking a high tow to 3,700' QFE, climbing a little more to 3,900' QFE just S of Bagby, before making a slow descent that led to a landing after 1:08. Fred Brown than took a flight in JVZ, taking along Tony Kirby for his 2nd of the day. After coming off tow at 1,000' QFE, Fred and Tony did a slow climb to 1600' QFE, again in the main bowl, before landing after 26 minutes. They were followed by Guy Hartland/Laurie Clarke who had a mutual in JVZ, taking a tow to 1500' QFE before climbing to 2,000' QFE in the bowl just to the north of Lake Gormire before visiting High Paradise Farm and then landing after 47 minutes.
Saturday 14th. Overnight rain had cleared away but left a legacy of a fresh to strong and at times strong W'ly that backed into the WSW late in the day. Scattered showers developed in an otherwise clear sky, but it was mainly the strength and gustiness of the wind that meant there was no flying.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.