Thursday 17th to Friday 18th June 2021

Posted: 18/06/2021 17:16

Thursday 17th.   A light NNE'ly blew to start the day, slowly backing into the ESE .  Initially cloudy, the skies cleared for a couple of hours during the early afternoon, before clouding in again.  After a busy few days, Thursday was quiet with only 4 ATs off either runway 02 or 06, but with all landings on 02.  The lack of any usable lift meant circuits were the  norm, with flight times of 13-19 minutes, the longest time from a high tow.  Those piloting the day's two  Falke flights did provide a cross country narrative with visits to Guisborough and York. 

Friday 18th.   A thundery depression made slow progress north, a medium level overcast with Cumulus underneath being slowly replaced by lower cloud, with light rain reaching the area in the middle of the afternoon.  There was. however, sufficient flying time during the first part of the day to provide flights for 10 Air League sponsored young people, 3 First Flight pupils and 5 members, with runways 02 and 06 being used as a light NNE/NE'ly wind blew.   Flight times were in the range of 13 - 23 minutes as Nigel Burke, Dave McKinney and Mark Newburn shared the instructing duties with the Air League and First Flight pupils while John Carter and Bruce Grain flew club members.

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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