Thursday 6th July 2017

Posted: 10/07/2017 22:08

The morning started with fog - visibility was down to 50 yards - but the local forecast was of a clearance later in the morning, so a keen lookout was kept for signs of improvement, and hangar-unpacking got underway at 11:30.  With a light sou'westerly the Eurofox was used along 20.  The two K21s and the Astir (DPO) were used for the nine flights of the day.  John Carter and Chris Haresnape found wave over Coxwold in their flight of 46 minutes in KLW, and they were one of four flights to crack a 30-minute flight time.  Another was Keith Davey who had the only single-seater flight of the day, in the Astir, whilst Colin Troise, flying KLW solo, found the wave and managed a flight of 1:08, and Andy Parish and Tony Drury, furthering Tony's BI training, also found the wave for a flight time of 42 minutes and were the last flight of the day.

Just before 4pm, discretion overcame valour when the grey and lowering cloud out towards Thirsk started rumbling, signalling the time for re-hangaring the aircraft!

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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