Tuesday 20th to Thursday 22nd March 2018

Posted: 24/03/2018 16:36

Tuesday 20th.  After a morning of low cloud and rain, it started to clear by lunchtime, allowing flying to get underway by around 1430 hrs, with the Booker visitors taking the first launch of the day in their Duo Discus behind Pawnee Tango Mike off runway 02, the light to moderate N'ly wind having by this time started to back into the W and slackened to become light.  Flying went on to around 1815, when the last of the day's 11 AT's landed.  Around 1530 to 1630 hrs the, by now, bright sunshine, produced a few thermals, which were marked by a local Buzzard and Peregrine Falcon.  The thermals also  allowed George Rowden,  to take the only First Flight pupil of the day, Sheila Ingledew,  for the longest flight of the day, 33 minutes in K21 KLW, visitors Graham Saw and Simon Phelps also making use of this rising air to have 32 minutes in their Duo Discus.  Peter Brocklebank, a day course member, had sampled virtual gliding via the simulator during the non-flyable morning, but the improved conditions allowed him to have a real flight with Andy Parish in the Falke and also 2 flights in KLW with Tony Drury.

Wednesday 21st.A light to moderate, and at times moderate, W'ly blew all day, providing hill soaring conditions plus thermal activity that was particularly appreciated by the visitors from Booker.  25 ATs were flown off runway 24, with flying going on until around 1830 hrs with 8 flights exceeding an hour and a further ten 30 minutes.  Steve Thompson in his Discus had the longest flight of the day, 3:38, during which he did the O/R to the Tontine three times.  Bill Payton and Dave McKinney shared a 1:39 flight in the DG500, Phil Lazenby had 1:27 in the Ka8,  Chris Knapp 1:03 in the Discus and Alan Beaumont 1:02 in  the Astir.  Visitors Chris Roland with 1:12 in his ASW22, Simon Phelps with 1:17 in his glider, John Herman and Bob Smith with 1:07 in the DG1ooo and Max Norfolk 1:12  in his glider also make good use of the conditions, maximum altitudes being around 4,000' asl.

Thursday 22nd.  The wind had become a light to moderate WSW'ly, so it was another day of hill soaring with thermal activity, the latter being limited by the predominately cloudy skies.  Flying got under way around 1015 hrs and continued until the last landing at 1815 hrs, by which time 29 ATs had been flown off runway 24, including 4 for the day's First Flight pupils.  The Booker visitors were well to the fore in flight times with Bill Parker having 3:17 in his Discus, Jane Moore 2:22 in her Pegase, Chris Roland  2:45 in his ASW22, Max Norfolk and Bob Smith  2:22 and 2:09 in their glider and Simon Phelps having 2:25 in his glider.  YGC members also took advantage of a good soaring day with Duncan Pask having 1:57 in the Astir, Dave McKinney 1:11 in the DG303, while Steve Thompson and Maddie Roberts  had 1:10 in the DG1000.  In all 12 flights exceeded an hour with a further 8 exceeding 30 minutes with gliders foraging as far as Thirsk to the west, Boltby to the north and Husthwaite to the south.  With aerobatics rather than duration in mind, Andy Parish and Diane Thomas took a tow to 5,000', returning to earth some 29 minutes later in K21 KLW.

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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