Wednesday 23rd to Thursday 24th June 2021
Posted: 24/06/2021 21:04
Wednesday 23rd. Another blue sky start didn't last long as a weak occlusion slowly trundled south. However, its associated cloud did break up sufficiently to permit some limited local soaring from late morning, but the brighter conditons didn't entice any private owners to fly. Three private owners did rig and one made it to the launch point on runway 24 before making a decision not to fly. Martin Newbery was the only pilot to exceed an hour, 1:07 in fact in the Discus, after having an earlier, much shorter flight. This sequence was also attained by Dave Cockburn in the same glider, with his 2 flights having durations of 30 and 45 minutes, while Martin's maximum altitude of 3,900' asl was the best of the day. Two seater pilots also had some soaring, with John Tayler having 2 flights of > 30 minutes, first a 49 minute one with John Dore in K21 KLW and later a 41 minute one with Dave Key in the same glider.
Thursday 24th. A cloudy start to the day was not permanent, with the cloud breaking up to provide some soaring opportunities later. The soarable period allowed one of the syndicate partners of DG800 G-KMJK to have a 2:36 foray to the west of the site, with the furthest west being NW of Ripon. This particular flight was not recorded on the paper log so the pilot must remain anonymous, unless he wishes to advertise his achievement which also included a maximum altitude of 3,900' asl. Back at site it was a relatively quiet day with only an additional 5 ATs off runway 24 into a light WSW'ly breeze. Three of these launches were for First Flight pupils with one of these, Mr Richardson?, having the next longest flight, 36 minutes in K21 KLW under the care of J Patingdale. The Falke also had a single sortie, confining its contribution to 18 minutes of circuits and go-arounds.
This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.