Wednesday 26th to Thursday 27th February 2025

Posted: 28/02/2025 16:03

Wednesday 26th.  An occluded front brought a morning of rain, with showers in the afternoon as the moderate SSE'ly veered into the W and decreased to light to moderate.  The previous day's forecast had led to the day being scrubbed, so  there was no flying, but the weather did produce some spectacular Mammatus clouds over my village some 25 km to the SSW of site.






Thursday 27th.  The departure of the low pressure left the site in a moderate N'ly flow that slowly decreased in strength over the day.  The cold air mass  led to the development of Cumulus around mid morning with the result that the day's 11 ATs off runway 02 led to some soaring flights, one just under 3 hrs, one over an hour and the third just under an hour while a single First Flight pupil was flown.  The 2:58 flight was by Steve Thompson in his Ventus 2bt, Steve covering an estimated 120 OLC km while visiting Carlton Bank, Masham and Northallerton.  Steve's high and low points were an altitude of 4,600' asl just to the SW of Tontine and a low point of around 900' asl 6 km N of Thirsk.  The 1:09 flight was by Chris Collingham/Mark James in K21 JVZ, their flight reaching 3,900' asl over Sutton Bank  and being flown within 6-7 km to the  north and south of site.   James Prosser/Martin Moon were the just under an hour pilots, their 55 minutes being flown in K21 KLW while generally operating between 2,800' to 3.600' asl with a peak climb to 4,000' asl again over the site.  No one else soared for more than 30 minutes although Chris Collingham/ James Prosser  came closest in JVZ with 29 minutes, peak altitudes for most of the shorter flights being 2,700-2,900' asl.  Paul Whitehead/Dave Latimer shared a couple of flights in the Falke to round off the day's flying 

This blog describes a snippet of life at the Yorkshire Gliding Club. Why not take a flight and try it yourself, or we can teach you to fly as a full club member.

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